When courses reach their maximum enrollment, students may add themselves to the waitlist (instructions to be added).
Students may submit a closed course permit request when the waitlist is turned off by the Office of the Registrar (generally two weeks before the start of the semester). The Closed Course Permit request form is located online on the Math Department's Permits Page.
Closed Course Permits will not be granted by the Math Department if other sections of the course have not reached their maximum number of students. Students should re-arrange their schedule to register in the section that has not reached its maximum size.
If the upper limit has been reached in all sections of a course, an Undergraduate Student who needs the course to graduate in the current semester may be given a permit to enter the closed course. In this case, the student will be asked to provide a note from their advisor stating that the student is graduating and that this is a required course.
A Graduate Student who needs to take a mathematics course as a bridge course will be asked to provide a note from their graduate advisor or the admissions letter specifying the required math course.