Departmental Accomplishments
Departmental Accomplishments
- Published papers from the current academic year.
Subramanian, Sundar, w/ Rianka Bhattacharya (August 7, 2014). Two-sample location-scale estimation from semiparametric random censorship models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 132, pp. 25 - 38.
Conference Presentations
- Recently attended conferences by faculty.
Boubendir, Yassine. IMA Special Workshop: Structure-Preserving Discretizations of Partial Differential Equations. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. October 2014.
Linda Cummings, w/ P. Sanaei. "H3.00003: Simplified model for fouling of a pleated membrane filter." 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. San Francisco, CA. November 2014.
Diekman, Casey. Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2014. Washington, D.C. November 2015.
Turc, Catalin. "Well-conditioned boundary integral equation formulations for the solution of high-frequency scattering problems." Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. September 2014.
Young, Yuan-Nan, w/ H. Nganguia, A. T. Layton, W.-F. Hu and M.-C. Lai. "An Immersed Interface Method for Axisymmetric Electrohydrodynamic Simulations in Stokes Flow." The 5th International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations (SCPDE14). Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China. December 2014.
Young, Yuan-Nan. "Coupling the vesicle dynamics to a transmembrane inclusion." Society of Engineering Science 51st Annual Technical Meeting. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. October 2014.
Active Grants
- Currently active grants awarded to faculty.
PI | Co-PI | Project Name | Agency | Start Date | End Date |
Cummings | Kondic | Modeling and Analysis of Nematic Films | NSF | 8/1/2012 | 4/30/2015 |
Wang | Analysis of Survival Data Using Copula Models | NSF | 7/1/2013 | 6/30/2015 | |
Kondic | CREATIV: Nonlinear Data Reduction (Applied to Dense Granular Media) | NSF | 9/15/2012 | 8/31/2015 | |
Young | Collaborative Research: Mathematical and Experimental Study of Lipid Bilayer Shape | NSF | 9/15/2012 | 8/31/2015 | |
Alvarez (BME) | Dhar | MRI: Development Neural and Visual Assessment Equipment | NSF | 9/1/2012 | 8/31/2015 |
Kondic | Collaborative Research: Experimental and Computational Study of the Instabilities, Transport, and Self Assembly of Nanoscale Metallic Thin Films and Nanostructures | NSF | 9/1/2012 | 8/31/2015 | |
Moore | Collaborative Research: Mathematical and Computational Methods for Stochastic Systems in Nonlinear Optics | NSF | 9/1/2011 | 8/31/2015 | |
Bose | Golowasch and Nadim | Linear Conductance-based Mechanisms Underlying Oscillations in Neuronal Networks | NSF | 10/1/2011 | 9/30/2015 |
Muratov | Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Morphogen Gradients | NSF | 10/1/2011 | 9/30/2015 | |
Perez-Castilledos (BME) | Michalopoulou | Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Program in Nanotechnology and Science at NJIT | NSF | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/2015 |
Michalopoulou | Efficient Inversion in Ocean Acoustics with Iterative, Sequential, and Analytical Methods | ONR | 1/1/2013 | 12/31/2015 | |
Ahluwalia (Ji Meng Loh, Data Analyst) | Statistical Data Analysis | NJ Meadowlands Commission | 11/1/2006 | 12/31/2015 | |
Turc | MIMO Radar Clutter Modeling | AFOSR | 2/1/2014 | 1/31/2016 | |
Cummings | Moore | Collaborative Research: Expanding Links with Industry Through Collaborative Research and Education in Applied Mathematics | NSF | 4/1/2013 | 3/31/2016 |
Boubendir | Efficient Methods for Electromagnetic and Acoustic Problems | NSF | 7/15/2013 | 6/30/2016 | |
Guo | Collaborative Research: New Directions for Research on Some Large-Scale Multiple Testing Problems | NSF | 7/15/2013 | 6/30/2016 | |
Muratov | Deterministic and Stochastic Magnetization Dynamics in Thin Ferromagnetic Films and Devices | NSF | 7/1/2013 | 6/30/2016 | |
Afkhami | A New Computational Method for Viscoelastic Two-Phase Flows | NSF | 9/1/2013 | 8/31/2016 | |
Rotstein | Mechanisms of Frequency Preference in Neurons and Networks | NSF | 9/1/2013 | 8/31/2016 | |
Turc | Efficient Integral Equation Solvers for Large-Scale Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Problems | NSF | 9/1/2013 | 8/31/2016 | |
Jiang | Collaborative Research: Efficient High-Order Parallel Algorithms for Large-Scale Photonics Simulation | NSF | 8/15/2014 | 7/31/2017 | |
Siegel | Booty and Young | Numerical Methods and Analysis for Induced - Charge Electrokinetic Flow with Deformable Interfeace | NSF | 8/1/2014 | 7/31/2017 |
Siegel | Horntrop, Loh, Michalopoulou, Nakayama | EXTREEMS-QED: Research and Training in Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Eng for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences at NJIT/ SUPPLEMENTAL-EXTREEMS-QED | NSF | 9/1/2013 | 8/31/2018 |